RejuVitize accepts Flexible Spending Account (FSA/HSA) debit cards and will supply a detailed receipt, with medical codes to keep for your records. FSA/HSA payments for Therapeutic Bodywork/Massage treatments are common and acceptable if they are administered by a certified and licensed professional. Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT is a California Certified (CAMTC) Therapeutic Bodywork/Massage Therapist, and RejuVitize is a licensed business in the city of San Diego.
If you do not have a FSA/HSA debit card, then all fees may be paid with a Credit Card or Cash and the detailed receipt, with medical codes can be submitted directly for reimbursement with your FSA/HSA provider.
Some plans may require a prescription for Therapeutic Bodywork/Massage from your doctor, and are commonly written to help alleviate stress, neck, shoulder, back, hip tightness or pain. One prescription can include refills stating "weekly" or "as required" for the year.